
Schema Registry

Sanity V2 schema registry package

Takes your Sanity Schema and makes it usable in JS as a nice tidy package.

Takes your Sanity Schema...

// /studio/schema/documents/templates/schemaPage.js
export const schemaPage = {
name: 'page',
title: 'Page',
type: 'document',
groups: [
name: 'content',
title: 'Content',
default: true,
name: 'excerpt',
title: 'Excerpt',
default: false,
name: 'meta',
title: 'Meta',
default: false,
name: 'seo',
title: 'SEO',
default: false,
fieldsets: [
name: 'seo',
title: 'SEO',
options: {
collapsible: true,
collapsed: false,
name: 'meta',
title: 'Meta',
options: {
collapsible: true,
collapsed: false,
fields: [
name: 'title',
title: 'Title',
group: 'content',
type: 'string',
name: 'slug',
title: 'Slug',
description: 'Leave blank to autofill.',
options: {
source: 'title',
maxLength: 96,
minLength: 4,
group: 'meta',
type: 'slug',
name: 'parent',
title: 'Parent Page',
to: [
type: 'page',
group: 'meta',
"Set parent page for nested URL structures. Path will prepend parent page's path.",
type: 'reference',
name: 'path',
title: 'Path',
readOnly: true,
group: 'meta',
description: 'Automatically updates on Publish.',
type: 'string',
name: 'hero',
title: 'Hero',
type: 'hero',
group: 'content',
name: 'components',
title: 'Components',
type: 'components',
group: 'content',
name: 'cta',
title: 'Call to Action',
to: [
type: 'cta',
description: 'Leave blank to omit page call to action.',
type: 'reference',
group: 'content',
name: 'seo',
title: ' ',
fieldset: 'seo',
type: 'seo',
group: 'seo',
preview: {
select: {
title: 'title',
media: 'image',
// /studio/schema/documents/templates/schemaPage.js
import { AiOutlineFileText as icon } from 'react-icons/ai';
import { F, FS, G, P } from 'part:gearbox-schema-tool/schema-builder';
export const schemaPage = {
name: 'page',
title: 'Page',
type: 'document',
groups: [...G.fieldGroupDefaults(), G.fieldGroup('seo', { title: 'SEO' })],
fieldsets: [FS.seo(), FS.fieldset('meta', { collapsed: false })],
fields: [
...F.fieldDefaults(),'content', [
F.field('components', {}),
F.reference('cta', {
name: 'cta',
title: 'Call to Action',
description: 'Leave blank to omit page call to action.',
]),'seo', [F.seo()]),
preview: P.titleImage({ subtitle: 'parent.title' }),

...and makes the Sanity schema registry available as a package.


Get schema from the registry by type.

// Type getter
import { getSchemaRegistry } from 'schema-registry';
const schema = getSchemaRegistry('page');


Get the entire schema registry.

// Entire schema (BIG!!)
import schemaRegistry from 'schema-registry';
const registry = schemaRegistry;

Top level schema registry properties.

jsonType: 'object',
type: {},
name: 'page',
fields: [],
icon: undefined,
title: 'Page',
groups: [],
fieldsets: [],
preview: {},
options: {},
orderings: [],
validation: []
jsonType"object" | "array" | "boolean" | "string" | "number" | "any"
typeObject mapping to schema/Sanity types.
ie. document, string, array, etc.
nameThe value of thename field as defined in your schema
fieldsAn array of field types as defined in your schema
titleThe value of thetitle field as defined in your schema
groupsThe value of thegroups definitions in your schema
fieldsetsThe value of thefieldsets definitions in your schema
previewThe value of thepreview definitions in your schema
optionsThe value of theoptions definitions in your schema
orderingsThe value of theorderings definitions in your schema
validationThe value of thevalidation definition in your schema
jsonType: 'object',
type: {
name: 'document',
type: null,
jsonType: 'object',
validation: [ [Rule] ]
name: 'page',
fields: [
name: 'title',
group: 'content',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
name: 'slug',
group: 'meta',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
name: 'parent',
group: 'meta',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
name: 'path',
group: 'meta',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
name: 'hero',
group: 'content',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
name: 'components',
group: 'content',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
name: 'cta',
group: 'content',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
{ name: 'seo', group: 'seo', fieldset: 'seo', type: [Object] },
name: 'redirectToLegacy',
group: 'options',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
name: 'options',
group: 'options',
fieldset: undefined,
type: [Object]
icon: undefined,
title: 'Page',
groups: [
name: 'content',
title: 'Content',
description: undefined,
icon: undefined,
readOnly: undefined,
default: true,
hidden: undefined,
fields: [Array]
name: 'meta',
title: 'Meta',
description: undefined,
icon: undefined,
readOnly: undefined,
default: false,
hidden: undefined,
fields: [Array]
name: 'seo',
title: 'SEO',
description: undefined,
icon: undefined,
readOnly: undefined,
default: false,
hidden: undefined,
fields: [Array]
name: 'options',
title: 'Page Options',
description: undefined,
icon: undefined,
readOnly: undefined,
default: false,
hidden: undefined,
fields: [Array]
fieldsets: [
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
name: 'seo',
title: 'SEO',
description: undefined,
options: [Object],
group: undefined,
fields: [Array],
hidden: undefined,
readOnly: undefined
{ single: true, field: [Object] },
{ single: true, field: [Object] }
preview: {
prepare: [Function: prepare],
select: {
title: 'title',
media: 'image',
redirect: 'redirectToLegacy',
subtitle: 'parent.title'
options: {},
orderings: [ { name: 'title', title: 'Title', by: [Array] } ],
validation: [
Rule {
_type: 'Object',
_level: 'error',
_required: undefined,
_typeDef: [Circular *1],
_message: undefined,
_rules: [Array],
_fieldRules: undefined,
valueOfField: [Function: bound ]
jsonType: 'array',
type: {
jsonType: 'array',
type: {
name: 'array',
type: null,
jsonType: 'array',
of: [],
validation: [Array]
name: 'blockContentSimple',
title: 'Block Content Simple',
validation: [ [Rule] ],
parseType: 'blockContent',
of: [ [Object] ]
name: 'blockContentSimple',
title: 'Content',
validation: [
Rule {
_type: 'Array',
_level: 'error',
_required: 'required',
_typeDef: [Circular *1],
_message: undefined,
_rules: [Array],
_fieldRules: undefined,
valueOfField: [Function: bound ]
parseType: 'blockContent',
of: [
type: [Object],
name: 'block',
jsonType: 'object',
title: 'Block',
options: {},
fields: [Array],
preview: [Object],
validation: [Array]
initialValue: [
_type: 'block',
children: [Array],
markDefs: [],
style: 'normal'

At the Full Registry Examples ➡️

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